Can the law of attraction change your game?

Areeba Jadoon
3 min readJun 6, 2021

This question popped up in my mind as soon as I read the law of attraction. For those who have never heard of this before, let me explain it first. The law of attraction states that:

“Positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.”

Or simply put, your thoughts can change your life. While this may sound fancy to an enthusiastic teenager; a practical person might think otherwise. So, what is the right answer to this debatable question? Well, the answer is………not very simple.

What makes successful people successful? What is the element that lacks in people who couldn't make it? You might feel an adrenaline rush if I say that that element is their positive mindset. “Hmm if a positive mindset is the secret, man I am going to become a king by tomorrow. Watch me think positive now.” But hold on! positive thinking is not enough.

The pie chart of a successful life comprises many other factors, the most important being, “a realistic approach towards life.”

Positive mindset + a realistic approach = Success

What is a positive mindset? Believe that you are unstoppable. What is a realistic approach? Prove that you are unstoppable.

Your thoughts affect your life profoundly. Take an example. When you’re in a bad mood, the whole world seems awful to you, doesn’t it? You call it a bad day but remember that the days aren't good or bad themselves. It happens because of your thoughts echoing back. You are thinking negative, that's why you are attracting negativity. As simple as that.

Positive thoughts, on the other hand, are your forte. They empower you. When you think positive, you make things around you better. Positive thoughts act like a magnet attracting more good things towards you.

You might have seen people around you who are simply unbeatable. They try again when they fail, they collect their pieces when torn apart. When life pushes them to the edge, they fight back.

Who are these people? Are they superheroes? Nah, they are ordinary humans, like me and you. Then what makes them special? You guessed it right, their positive mindset. They thrash the odds coming their way because their thoughts strengthen them. Their mindset is their armour.

You see, the barrier is not outside, it lies inside. When you manage to remove this barrier in your head, things start to change. When you believe that you can do it, the world also starts believing in you. Believe me.

Cultivating a positive mindset helps you trace your path.

But, what’s next? What do you do after locating that path? Do you stand over there waiting for a magic cart to carry you across? Do you expect that all those positive thought quotes would fly you over that path? Well, allow me to sabotage your daydream. That’s not going to happen.

You have to walk in. You have to tread that path. To reach the finish line, you have to start first. Take baby steps but at least step in. The law of attraction is not about positive thoughts only, it involves positive investment as well. That's what we call a realistic approach. All those successful people were not born successful, they made it happen through their positive mindset and determined actions. That's how it works. There is no shortcut, not in life at least.

Now when you know that it all lies in your thoughts, why not think positive? What's stopping you from believing in yourself and then making it?

Next time when you start losing motivation, peer inside, the answer would be there, somewhere in your thoughts!



Areeba Jadoon

A freelance content writer who's always struggling forward.